Dr. Knippa

Welcome to Pilots and Aviators in training! 

This site provides information and downloads for persons with whom Dr. Knippa has communicated regarding scheduling or document needs (e.g., records release forms, etc.) when considering an FAA-related examination.  If you have yet to speak with Dr. Knippa about your exam-related inquiries, see the Contact menu.  If you have spoken with Dr. Knippa and been directed here, please follow the Menu links, above.

Note that site contents do not represent advertising, recommendation(s) or provision of any health-related or other services, nor an agreement to provide services.  All information is subject to revision at any time.  Any content or links to items produced by others are not assured by Dr. Knippa for accuracy or completeness.

For security, Dr. Knippa does not use email for pilot or patient communications, which should be addressed to: 562-494-3633 or the mailing or fax addresses under the Contact menu.